
Sist skrev jeg at Ella elsker kos, MEN dette gjelder kun mennesker hun kjenner. Det hva vi sliter litt med, er at hun er litt skeptisk (eller kanskje forsiktig er et riktig ord)  mot fremmede mennesker. Hun trenger alltid litt tid før hun føler seg trygg og før hun lar fremmede å kose med seg. Tidligere trodde at dette gjelder kun barn, men har etter hvert skjønt at det ikke var sånn. “en fremmed person? Hmm, liker ikke, skummelt, hvorfor må hun ta på meg?” sånn har Ella tenkt. Det er artig å la merke til at jeg endelig begynner å kjenne henne.

I dag hadde vi kanskje en av de viktigste dagene når det gjelder sosialisering av Ella. Vi var bedt på bursdagsfest/grilling. Vi var ca. 20 voksne, 3 små barn, 3 hunder. Masse styr, støy, lukter osv. Helt nytt for Ella! Vi la Ella være løs og bli kjent på sin egen tempo. I begynnelse var det litt bråk med den ene hunden og vi så at Ella var redd for den. (kongepuddel, hannhund som hun har truffet en gang før) Hun ville ikke løpe dit hvor han var selv om vi kastet tennisball. Tok fram godbiter til slutt og lokket henne ved siden av han. Det funket og til slutt gikk det veldig bra! Er veldig fornøyd 🙂 til og med har hun begynt å beskytte litt seg selv. Før hvis det har vært skummelt, har Ella bare løpt bort til oss. Men nå begynte hun å bjeffe tilbake og å si fra når hun hadde fått nok, bra jobba Ella!

4 timer på fest hadde en veldig stor betydning! Ella ble  en helt annen hund. Løp rundt med kongepuddelen, koste og lekte med mennesker, jeg kunne se at hun skikkelig koste seg 🙂 ble så glad 🙂 jeg vet at en grunn til at Ella har blitt sånn, er at vi ikke har hatt så stort sosial liv her i Oslo. Men endelig etter 1.5 år har vi begynt å få nye venner, det er sosialisering ikke bare for oss to, men også for Ella 🙂




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Elsker koooooos!

Her er noen bilder av våres kosebamse 🙂









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Som sagt, snuppa og vi går på hundekurs 🙂

Da har vi endelig fått litt tid og går på hundekurs. Hele våren har vært så hektisk på grunn av den nye leiligheten våres, vi har brukt nesten hver helg mange timer på møbelbutikker…jeg følte at starkkar Ella tjener noe eksta moro 🙂 Da ble det hverdagslydighetskurs på Sinsen hundeskole. I fjor gikk vi bare på valpekurs og hundeskolen mente at vi først måtte på grunnkurs som inneholder blant annet: gå pent i bånd, å sitte osv. Det ble sendt en del eposter mellom oss fordi jeg mente at dette kurset kommer til å bli alt for enkelt for oss, men til slutt ga dem opp og vi ble med på det litt mer avansert nivå 🙂 Og det var helt riktig valg, det må jeg si 🙂 Vi har trent en del hjemme selvfølgelig slik at Ella allerede var pøå høyere nivå en grunnkurs.

Nå er det tredje uke på kurs og vi er veldig fornøyd! Dette er helt annet enn valpekurset fra Familiehunden. Som jeg allerede nevnte, er instruktøren veldig mye flinkere. Hurra Rebekka! Hun er profesjonell, vet hva hun snakker om og er flink til å hjelpe alle ekvipaser. Hun er konsekvent, har kontroll og er samtidig veldig morsom 🙂 Hørtes bra ut, ikke sant? Vi trener alltid alle sammen samtidig slik at hun kan korrigere og gi tips med en gang hvis det er aktuelt. På dette måte blir også hundene våres “forstyrret” hele tiden fra andre og de må jobbe masse for å kunne konsentrere seg for oss eierne. På valpekurset trente vi allene, LANGT unna fra andre hunder og HVIS vi var heldige så kom intrukstøren forbi oss en gang… Fikk altså ikke så mye av kurset til slutt.

På dette kurset har vi blant annet hatt MASSE bli-trening og det må vi fortsatt trene med Ella. Hun er flink hjemme (heh…) og det har fungert ganske bra så langt, men av og til kan det være vanskelig å sitte og bli hvis en annen hund løper 100 km/t forbi henne 😉 Men det er bare å trene mer og målet er at Ella sitter og blir selv om verdens kjekkeste hannhund går fordi og snuser på henne 😉 Vi har også hatt masse trening om hvordan man tar kontakt med hund, hvordan man roser og belønner (ikke bare godbiter!!!), innkalning. Bare for å nevne en del.

En del av øvelsene er “enkle”, men de er vert gull! å ligge (dekk) og sitte opp og få dette å fungere fra distans er noe vi vil lære. Og en utfordrning vi vil lære er at jeg kan sende Ella til Halgeir “på plass” og rope henne tilbake på plass. Dette prøvde vi hjemme i går (uten at vi trente dette på kurs), men jeg vil gjerne høre hvordan man kunne begynne å trene med dette 😀 Halgeir må liksom hjelpe slik at Ella skal på plass (utgangsstilling) ved ham, men samtidig må det være bare jeg som sender henne.. vanskelig, trenger tips 😀 Kan noen dette??

NYDELIG VÆR!! Ha en fortsatt fin uke 🙂

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Long time no see…

“Whoops” sier jeg bare… Det er lenge siden jeg har skrevet sist. Siste gang var i september i fjor, men… det er jo vel aldri for seint å komme i gang igjen, ikke sant? Og nå bestemte jeg meg at jeg skriver på norsk 😉 Blir sikkert ikke 100 % uten feil, men det tåler dere sikkert 🙂

Men Ella ja 🙂 Våres supersnille Ella-Bella. Siden sist…

– hun har blitt ett år: tiden går så fort! Vi har hatt Ella nå i et år og en måned, og vi har ikke angret et eneste minutt at vi kjøpte en toller. Elsker Ella!

– hun har fått sinførste løpetid. “life is life”. Løpetid er nokso slitsomt, men sånn er det bare 🙂

– hun har reist med oss på fly til Finland: dette var spennende, ikke bare for Ella, men også for oss 🙂 Alt gikk veldig bra, men jeg kommer tilbake en annen gang.

– hun har  flyttet til en ny leilighet.. og har fått sitt eget rom 😀 Våres gjesterom er Ellas rom 🙂 Der sover hun i sin egen nye seng.

– og aller sist har hun begynt på hverdagslydighetskurs i dag. Det var kanskje derfor jeg fikk lyst til å begynne på nytt med blogg fordi jeg vil gjerne dele erfaringer. Etter den første gangen i dag kan jeg si at vi er veldig fornøyd! Super Rebekka i Oslo Hundeskole! Vi kommer til å trives 100 %!

I dag skrev jeg veldig kort om hvert enkelte temaet, men kommer tilbake med mer info om reise til Finland, løpetid og hundekurs..

Sees igjen, SNART. Jeg lover 🙂

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It`s a rainy day!

Just read couple of days ago from that its been the most wet summer in Oslo in 61 years and that it has rained double as much as that is normal. Well, I have kind of noticed it 🙂 One of good things to have a toller is that they dont care about the rain. At least Ella doesnt. I took her out few days ago during a (really) heavy shower and first she looked at me and I almost could hear her saying “Mom, what is THIS?? Im getting totally wet!!” Or… did she actually?… I have earlier been in that opinion that it is ridiculous to buy any clothes for a dog… and well, well. What happened then last week. I found a Hurtta-raincoat for -50%… Halgeir was not that happy as he thinks that Ella doesnt need it.. Well, actually she doesnt in a way but it is so much easier and nicer to come inside when I only need to dry her paws. She was not that anxious to have it on it the beginning but she seems have forgotten the problem now. By the way, trademark Hurtta. I have become a big fan of it. Im not sure if the only reason is the thing that it is a Finnish trademark but I also think that they are of pretty good quality. And naturally, Hurtta means “bisken”. Does anyone by the way have “sele” from Hurtta? I have seen many dogs to have it and we should buy a new one as the older is getting too small.

Then I also realized that I have written this blog once a month, it was actually not planned to be like this but it just happened. I think its enough and then I at least have something new to tell every time 🙂

So what is happened since my August update. One big thing was when Ella stayed for the weekend in Jar with Ekiros family. We have three friends who could look after Ella but suddenly all of them were busy. So then I contacted Hilde who was so helpful and promised to take Ella. We were of course bit nervous as first of all, Ella has met Ekiro only once but actually we were more nervous about her staying nice in the house when there is another dog. I drove Ella to Jar on Thursday night and she indeed got happy to meet Ekiro. She walked around the house and of couse, stole the best toys immediately 😀 Im not so sure if Ekiro liked this, he must have been thinking that “hey, pls, who is this annoying young girl, running around and stealing MY toys”. ha ha. I heard later from Hilde that Ekiro and Ella had learned to communicate and Ekiro had tought Elle when she was allowed to take his toys/bones and when not. That was really good. Otherwise I think that Ella just loved to be there and as long as I understood, Arneberg family loved her too. Ella has of course more energy than they are used with Ekiro (he is so calm!! and so cute!!!) but we think that she even calmned down after this trip. And like her father, Ella was bit tired after the weekend 😀 so many new experiences that she was sleeping really much the next three days 😀 Still want to thank Hilde and the whole family, it was definately one of the best places to have Ella. Talking about passing a dog, we are traveling to Croatia in two weeks and then my friend is taking Ella. It will definately go well as well. They dont have a dog so it wont be too much different than she has at home.

No pictures this time, sorryy 🙂

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Time is flying!


Summer is almost over in Oslo, I think you can already say that. Unfortunately. We have enjoyed the nice days but at the same time we look forward to the autumn and winter. Ella just gets so exhausted in the heat so its way better like this. And I think she will love when the leafs are falling down and not to talk about the first snow flakes. That will be so much fun!

what is new here?

Ella is getting so big! And heavy! We are glad that we chose to have a girl as Ella loves to sit up in the lap so would be bit tirering to lift her up all the time. She often lays on our belly on the sofa (still doesnt have the right to be there alone and actually doesnt even try to jump there) or sits in the lap generally as you can see from the pictures.

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Otherwise we are just living our normal daily life. We go to a long trip in the mornings and then have some smaller ones during the day. Then again a bit longer in the night. We still havent joined the Oslo Retvierer-klubb (or whatever the name was again..) but its still on the “to do list”, shame on me 😀 Really want to go to those trainings they have there on Wednesdays and I will also take some other course with Ella. Any suggestions? The puppy course where we were (familiehund) in the spring was… ok. Not as good as I expected. I really dont know what we were expecting of it but somehow we both felt that it was not that good. We also didnt go when it was for the last time so this also tells something… Anyway, we have kept on training alone at home, try to have some small exercises every day. Its so fun to see that a toller is a really clever dog, they learn new things really fast!!

Ha ha. I have to tell you a funny/weird thing. Has anyone of you experienced your dog to howl like a wolf?? It has happened now two times, in the middle of the night. We have suddenly woken up that Ella is howling like crazy 😀 and this is while is sleeping, she is not awake. Ha ha, you cant really imagine that Ella could get a sound like that out of her mouth 😀 I tried to find some information about it in the internet but couldnt find so I think/hope that she was just dreaming 🙂 Also thought about maturity? but it happened for the first time already in the beginning of July when she was only 5 months. Dont know.

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Latest from Sinsen

FINALLY I have some time to write the latest from Sinsen. I had my last exams two weeks ago and after that we travelled to Trondheim and also to Kristiansand so havent had that much time for any writing.

What is new since last time? Ella has started “valpekurs”, we have had it now 4 times of which 3 times “real training”. In the end we picked up a course organized by “Familiehunden” as it suited very well by its location and time. In the beginning (as an old dog owner) I was thinking that do we really need a course… ha ha.. I was thinking way too much of myself as we definately need all the information what is given there. Ella is of course learning new things but mostly it is of course all the owners who are leaning how to handle and teach our puppies. Everybody can go out with a dog and give him/her food but it is not the big things that matter but all the small details what we would not think about without a course. And as the leader is always saying: our dog wont be perfect only by attending this course but we learn the basic tricks that can be used to make our dogs perfect dogs. Damn, I did not get rid of homeworks even thought the semester is over 😀

So we had our first trip to Trondheim with Ella two weeks ago and it was a lot of fun! We met a lot of new people, lived at Halgeirs parents place, met a lot of kids and what Ellas thinks was the best, was of course meeting with her brother Ecco. Maybe they somehow remembered each others but at least they had so much fun together and suddenly we realised that our “small date” became a two-hours date 😀 We also look forward to meeting Ecco, Ellen and Kjell again in July. And yeah, the babies. One of Halgeirs friends has a two-months-old son and Ella thought he was so interesting. Wanted to smell and taste so much. It was nice with him as he did not keep that much of noice as did one really cute Ingeborg (1 year old). Ella loved her as well but found it bit scary as she was so happy and screaming so much as soon as she was approaching Ella.

Ella still wants to meet and play with every single dog that we are passing. And playing means to her that first she is laying down and waiting until the dog has come next to her and then…she suddenly jumps… and jumps and jumps over and under and whatever is possible. Today happened however a funny thing when we met a 5-year-old chihuahua. I thought it would be bit too much to let her be loose as the dog was so small and I know (or thought I knew) how Ella would be….and the owner asked me bit wondering if I didnt dare to let Ella loose.. Okay… if you say so 😀 Maybe it was the thing that he was an adult and was not jumping himself on Ella but they had the cutest ever play. Ella was running first and the other was following. They were staying 10 cm of each others, jumping and going around and running again. But to my HUGE surprise Ella was not jumping on him. I wish I had camera with me :/

waiting for ice cream in Kristiansand


Et kyss??

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party girl

Ella is a party person, at least when it comes to the amount of parties she has been to so far 🙂 Havent mentioned it before but it was just one week after Ella moved to Oslo that we were invited to a party. Ella had to come with us of course as at that time she was so small and we couldnt leave her alone. We were a bit worried about how it will go with all the people and pretty loud music. BUT she seemed not to care about the noise at all as she was sleeping 90 % of the time in the middle of the living room 🙂 So, I can recommend 🙂
Then we had a wedding last weekend so we thought that the best solution is to have Ella with us in the car. Of course it sounds a bit boring to spend the whole day in the car but Ella seemed to enjoy it a lot 😀 She is the queen of sleeping 😀 We made a trip every hour or 1.5 hour and as it was raining later in the night, Ella was just running back into the car where it was so warm and not wet 🙂 As she was such a good girl she got some special food (chicken filé) during the day and a lot of “kos” the day after.

And then yeah, we were invited to a barbeque party on the 17th of May (independence day in Norway!) and we could not leave her home as we knew that this trip would take longer than 2.5 hours. And because the hostess had a pretty bad hay fever and is afraid of becoming allergic to animals, Ella had to stay in the car. Halgeir went many trips with Ella and again she got some extra good food (chicken file again). So, no worries 🙂

Otherwise everything is going just great here. Im still in the middle of exams but its only less than two weeks left and then I can just spend all my time with Ella 🙂 By the way… our strict rules… Well, probably you saw the picture with Halgeir and Ella laying on the sofa. It happened once or twice but thats now over as she is not allowed to jump there. But then we decide (or it just happened) that she is allowed to come up into the bed in the mornings. She is sleeping so well in her cage during the nights (by the way, we have it closed) and lets us sleep 8-10 hours!! so we thought that she deserves this 🙂 And it is especially fun to have it there because she is so happy to see us in the mornings and you can see that she just loves all the attention she gets. And in the mornings she is loves to cuddle and is not biting but just licking. (if you just dont stir her up…)

Eating: is going better and its fun to see how clever she is and that she needs some activity to her brain. That is why we give at least one of the meals inside some cardboard: milk carton, roll of toilet paper or whatever cardboard you happen to have available. SHE LOVES IT! 😀

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Just another week in Oslo

Halgeir, can you take a picture of us two?

Its been a while since I have been here! I have just been so busy with studying for the exams but I had one today so I can relax a bit and have time to write few words.

Everything is just good here. Ella got the vaccination on Friday and seemed not to care about that at all. Halgeir went there with Ella so I dont know more than that 😀 She was by the way 6 kg on Friday which in my opinion feels a lot! I have of course noticed that she has got heavier…(you know all those million times that we go out with her and carry her the stairs… so its not actually that bad that I havent had time to go to gym 😀 ) I tried to find some information about how much they should weight at this point but I didnt find. Anyone?

Ella is still a bit picky with her food so it was good that we changed it so that she only gets three times per day. Thanks to Ida (and Chaos)! So if we are lucky, she might get hungry and eats at least most of the food. Also noticed that we were bit stressed in the beginning if she did not eat everything within 10 minutes. We just have to give her some time and she will go and eat. The dog is not supposed to eat for us people but because she is hungry… like it was written somewhere in the internet.

Ella got also her first eye infection :/ stakkars. Her right eye started to run? two days ago and we noticed that it was itching and getting red. Yesterday it got worse and we cooked some water and wiped her eye with that. Today Halgeir had called the vet. and they adviced to buy some special water from the pharmacy (øyeskyllevann) and try to “wash” the eye with that. Ella is not too happy to get water into her eyes by the way but the old trick of course is to use the moment when is really tired 😀 So lets see if this water helps. I was laughing with my mom yesterday because this infection reminded me of some mothers how are struggling with the ear infection circle of their babies 😀

It WAS a blue ball.

YES, a pillow on the floor!!!

Here we go again 🙂

Hei, jeg heter Ella og jer er veldig søt!!

Ella... who was not supposed to have the right to be on the sofa?

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One step back, two steps forward

We do have hope, dont we? We got already bit desperate the other day as suddenly Ella seemed not to know anything about house training. She hasnt had too many shots inside because we really have taken her out as soon as she has woken up or eaten. She is not even peeing during the night. Good girl!!!

Anyway, first I have to admit that I made a mistake… I think she eliminated (what a funny word by the way, just found it from the internet) once during the first week on the carpet and… STUPID me… I was washing it a bit and had some Ajax-spray on it… but I did not wash it in the washing machine. Then just one minute before we left to the cabin for the Eastern, Ella eliminated on the carpet again… and I was wondering why… 😀 Yeah, I did not smell the pee anymore but of course dogs have a bit better sense of smell than human being. (yes, I do have blonde hair too, he he)

but…what made us desperate? Then we got back from the cabin, I washed the carpet and put it on the floor on Friday… ta daa… After a long trip and after she actually had eliminated out, we got in and… directly on the carpet! Not too nice. Maybe she was protesting because we walked next to Trondheimsveien and there was a lot of traffic which she did not like at all? Who knows.

But what made me really happy just 30 minutes ago was that suddenly Ella started to go around “in panic” and whining a lot. First she ran to the kitchen and then next to outdoor and looked at me. I was thinking… Is she really telling me that she needs to get out… IMMEDIATELY? And then we went… step by step, 58 steps down 🙂 And YES!!!! Im really proud of her as we were out just one hour before after she had eaten. So this was a remarkable step forward!

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